Cheat Sheets for Programmers and Developers

Cheat Sheets for Programmers and Developers

1. Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX): This is a group of interrelated web development techniques that are used to create asynchronous web applications on the client side.

2. Apache: If you’re using the Apache HTTP server then this cheat sheet is just what you would need in front of you.

3. Apache Ant: This java library and command line tool is used for automating software build processes.

4. Apache Cassandra: The open source distributed database management system is often the first pick when scalability is a concern.

5. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII): The most common character encoding scheme.

6. Berkeley DB: Oracle’s Berkeley DB is a fast and reliable option chosen by many developers.

7. Blueprint: This is a cheatsheet on the popular CSS framework/

8. C: In many ways it is the father of some of the most popular programming languages.

9. C#: A cheatsheet on C# never goes to waste. Most programmers learn the language and a cheatsheet always helps.

10. C++: One of the most useful programming languages ever. It is a must learn language for programmers.

11. Calculus and Analysis: Programmers and developers often need to have a good grasp on calculus and analysis in order to build certain types of apps.

12. Clojure: One of the most popular languages running on the Java Virtual Machine.

13. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets along with HTML is the language of the internet.

14. Debian: A cheatsheet on one of the most popular Linux-based distributions.

15. Django: Written in Python, this is an open source web application framework used by many.

16. DOM - Document Object Model: This is the convention used for interacting with objects in XHTML, XML and HTML.

17. Drupal: The open source content management system is highly popular amongst developers/

18. Eclipse: One of the most popular IDEs, used almost everywhere today.

19. Fedora: One of the big daddies from amongst the Linux-based distributions.

20. Firebug: The web development add-on for Mozilla’s Firefox has turned quite a few heads.

21. Git: It doesn’t matter whether you support open source or not, Git needs no introduction.

22. Groovy: This is another programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine.

23. Hadoop: Big Data is the future and hence, so is Hadoop.

24. Haskell: This is an open source functional programming language.

25. HTML: Use the Hypertext Markup Language to create your own website.

26. Java: The inescapable language for programmers and developers.

27. JavaScript: The scripting language for the web.

28. jQuery: A feature rich JavaScript library.

29. Linux: Command line tips that Linux users will find useful.

30. Mac OS X: This is a keyboard cheatsheets for Apple’s Mac OS X users.

31. Mathematica: The Wolfram Mathematica is considered to be a very powerful system.

32. MATLAB: This is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment.

33. MySQL: Some have been losing fait over MySQL, but the database still goes strong.

34. NMAP: You hackers know what this is don’t you?

35. Node.js: This is the pick of the lot for building scalable web 

36. Oracle: This is a reference cheat sheet for Oracle’s SQL.

37. Perl: The popular programming language is used in a variety of places.

38. PHP: Not much needs to be said about PHP.

39. PostgreSQL: This is often used as an alternative for MySQL.

40. Python: One of the most popular programming languages available today. It is used in everything from game programming to hacking.

41. Ruby: Another popular programming platform used by many across the globe.

42. Ruby on Rails: This is an open source framework that runs on Ruby.

43. Scala: This is an object-functional programming and scripting language running on the JVM.

44. Shell script

45. SQL - Structured Query Language: The programming language used to manage data stored in relational database systems. 

46. SQLite: This is the relational database management system that is held in a C programming library.

47. Ubuntu: Linux for humans. It may be so, but a cheatsheet is still useful.

48. Unicode: This is the standard for encoding in the world of computers. 

49. Unix: A cheatsheet for working on the Unix command line.

50. WordPress: The content management system has grown in popularity over time.

51. XHTML: This is an XML markup language. It stands for Extensible HTML.

52. XML: XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is used by many.

53. .NET: This framework from Microsoft runs primarily on Windows and there is a debate about whether it is open source or not. 

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