EBS R12 Migration from Solaris to Linux

How to Migrate Oracle R12 instance from Solaris to Linux

Recently I have migrated the Solaris R12.1.1 instance to Linux. The following article describes the overall process. Although we have mostly followed the oracle doc on R12 export/import and apps tier platform migration, in some of 
the cases, I have done some extra steps for successful migration. Without those steps the migration will not be successful.

Briefly my Platform Migration involved the following steps.

Target Platform Database Creation and Migration
  1. Install an empty target database
  2. Configure the above database to be used as EBS R12 databse
  3. Transfer the source data to the target databse using expdp/impdp

Target Platform Apps Tier Creation and Migration

  1. Transfer the platform independent application files to target system
  2. Install the technology stack of Oracle Apps in target platform
  3. Configure the above installed target platform Apps tier such that it'll use the target database

For the first part or Target Platform Database Creation, follow the following links.

Solaris to Linux Application Tier Platform Migration with EBS R12


Prepare the Source System before migrating to a new platform. If your system uses multiple application tier nodes, the following prerequisite steps must be performed on all nodes.
  1. Verify operating system requirements on Target SystemBefore migrating to the new platform, ensure the Target System meets all the requirements for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0.4 or 12.1.1 posted in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes (available as My Oracle Support Knowledge Documents549389.1 and 798258.1), and in the Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes for each platform (available as My Oracle Support Knowledge Documents 394692.1 and 790942.1).
    For the latest installation guidelines, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 405565.1
  2. Verify Source and Target nodes software versions
    In addition to the usual Oracle E-Business Suite operating system requirements, the following software component versions must exist on the Source and Target nodes. 

    SoftwareMinimum VersionDetails
    (or Higher)
    Download from InfoZip. Zip must be in your $PATH. If using files bigger than 2Gb, you should use InfoZip ZIP 3.0 or higher.
    (or higher)
    Download from InfoZip. Unzip must be in your $PATH. If using files bigger than 2Gb, you should use InfoZip UNZIP 5.52 or higher.
    Operating System utilitiesN/AThe required operating system utilities for your platform must be in your $PATH when running adcfgclone.pl. For example, make, ld, and ar on UNIX. Refer to Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install(see Footnote 1)
    JDK1.5.x or higherUse the JDK shipped with OracleAS 10.1.3 if available or download it fromjava.sun.com.
    Perl5.xUse the Perl shipped with OracleAS 10.1.3 if available or download it fromPerl.com. Perl must be in the PATH and PERL5LIB must be correctly set before migrating.
    Footnote 1 This is the Release 12.1.1 version; versions for earlier releases are also available from the Oracle E-Business Suite Online Documentation Library
  3. Apply the latest AD patch
    Update the Oracle E-Business Suite file system with Patch 6510214 the latest AD patch. At the time of this note, the following patches were available. Refer to My Oracle Support to obtain the latest AD patch available in case they are superseded.

  4. Upgrade Oracle E-Business Suite to Release 12.0.4 (or Higher)
    If not already applied, update the Oracle E-Business Suite file system with Patch 6435000 (Oracle E-Business Suite RUP4). Refer to My Oracle Support KnowledgeDocument 465776.1 for the latest instructions on applying this patch.
    Note: This step only applies to 12.0 code line.
  5. Apply the latest AutoConfig Template patch
    Update the Oracle E-Business Suite file system with the latest AutoConfig template files by applying the TXK AutoConfig Template rollup patch to all application tier server nodes. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 387859.1 for details of the latest Autoconfig Template rollup patch.
  6. Apply the latest Rapid Clone patchesUpdate the Oracle E-Business Suite file system with the latest Patches required by Rapid Clone. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 406982.1 for details of the latest required patches.
  7. Apply Platform Migration PatchesUpdate the Oracle E-Business Suite file system with the following patches:
    • For Release 12.0:
    • For Release 12.1:
      No patches required at this time.
  8. Apply Additional Patches (Conditional)If not already applied, update the Oracle E-Business Suite file system with the following patches:
    • For Release 12.0:
    For Release 12.1:
    No patches required at this time.
  9. Run AutoConfig on the Source System
    Follow the steps under section "Run AutoConfig on the Application Tiers" in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 387859.1 to Run AutoConfig on all application tier nodes. 
  10. Run adpreclone on the Source System 
    Execute adpreclone.pl on all the application tiers. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 406982.1 for details on how to run adpreclone. 
  11. Maintain Snapshot InformationLog in to each application tier node as the applmgr user, and run "Maintain Snapshot information" in AD Administration (adadmin). See Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities for more information.
  12. Identify Technology Stack Updates
    If you have applied any patches on the Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Stack you must apply them on the Target System after the migration. At this point, you must identify all the patches applied to the Oracle Application Server 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOMEs on the Source System, so they can be applied to the Target System in a later step. 

    • Verify the patch level on the ORACLE_HOMEs by executing the Technology Stack Inventory Utility. This utility will produce an HTML report (or text report if desired). Review any required actions before proceeding with the Applications Technology updates.
    • Establish the needed environment parameters by sourcing the Applications environment file as the owner of the application tier file system.
    • Ensure the "APPLRGF" variable is set in environment. If not, set it to the same value as "APPLTMP".
    • Navigate to [FND_TOP]/patch/115/bin. Run the utility as follows: 
      Operating SystemCommand Line
      UNIX/Linux$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/TXKScript.pl
      -txktop=$APPLTMP -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
      WindowsC:\>perl %FND_TOP%\patch\115\bin\TXKScript.pl
      -txktop=%APPLTMP% -contextfile=%CONTEXT_FILE%

      txktopTemporary working directory use by Perl Modules. Should not be an empty string.
      contextfileLocation of the context file. If not passed, default is picked from the environment.
      appspassAPPS schema password. If not passed, default password is used.
      outfileLocation for the report being generated. If not passed, the default location is [APPLTMP]/TXK.

    To generate the report in text format, the parameter -reporttype=text needs to be passed to the above commands. For example:
      $ outfile=$APPLTMP/Report_Inventory.html -reporttype=text
Note: If you upgraded the Technology Stack components to higher versions than those included with the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0.4 or 12.1.1 install media, they will have to be upgraded on the Target System after the migration. Examples could include Oracle Application Server or JDK 1.6. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 380482.1 for a list of relevant documents.


  1. Generate and upload the manifest of customer-specific files
    1. Generate customer-specific manifest file:
      Log in to your Source System application tier node as the applmgr user and Source the APPL_TOP environment file. Execute the following command to generate the customer-specific file manifest:
      $ cd [AD_TOP]/bin
      $ perl adgenpsf.pl
      The above command will generate the file adgenpsf.txt under [APPL_TOP]/admin/[TWO_TASK]/out. This step should take about a minute.
    2. Upload Manifest File for generation to target UNIX/Linux platform:
      Go to https://updates.oracle.com/PlatformMigration, log in with your My Oracle Support username and password, then follow the instructions on the screen to upload the manifest file previously generated. 
  2. Copy the Source System to the Target System
    Copy the application tier file system from the Source Oracle E-Business Suite system to the Target Node by executing the following steps in the order listed. Make sure the applmgr user owns the files copied to the Target System.
    1. [APPL_TOP]
    2. [COMMON_TOP]/clone
    3. [COMMON_TOP]/java
    4. [COMMON_TOP]/_pages
    5. [COMMON_TOP]/webapps
    6. [COMMON_TOP]/util 
Copy only the directories listed, not the full COMMON_TOP.
If you want the migrated system to have a new digital signature, remove the file [APPL_TOP]/admin/appltop.cer from the Target System.
  1. Install JDK and InfoZip utilities on the Target System 
    If not already installed, the following utilities must be installed on the Target System:
    • JDK 1.5 or higher, in the JDK_HOME
    • InfoZip UNZIP version 5.52
    • InfoZip ZIP version Zip 2.30
  2. Copy the Source System Context File to the Target System
  3. Clone the Applications Context File on the Target SystemLog in to the Target System as the applmgr user and run the following commands:
    • Create a pairsfile (text file) with the following values:
    • Generate the Target System Context File:
      cd [COMMON_TOP]/clone/bin
      perl adclonectx.pl migrate \
      java=[JDK_HOME] \
      pairsfile=[pairsfile] \
      contextfile=[Source Applications Context File]

      [SID]Database Name
      [JDK_HOME]Complete $PATH where JDK is installed
      [pairsfile]Complete $PATH to the pairsfile created in Step a.
      [Source Applications Context File]Complete $PATH to the Source System Context File copied to the Target System
    Note: The Clone Context tool will ask for all the new mount points on the Target System migration node.

    Note: If SQL*Net security is being used, the Target System should be allowed to make incoming connections to the database before running the Clone Context utility.
  4. Install the Application Tier Technology Stack
    Run the Rapid Install Wizard with the 
    -techstack option to install the Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Stack. Use the Target System context file created in the previous step:
    $ cd [Stage12]/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
    $ ./rapidwiz -techstack
    Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide for more details.
    Note: Use the latest startCD available. Patch 6796703 For details of the latest startCD Patch for Release 12.0.4 or 12.1.1, refer to the "Current Version of Rapid Install" section in the relevant Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes available My Oracle Support Knowledge Documents 549389.1 (12.0.4) and798258.1 (12.1.1). 
  5. Run AutoConfig setup phase on the Target System
    Change the Database Connection information [port, hostname, SID ] fully in the apps tier context file before running autoconfig. This step is important.

    Execute the INSTE8_SETUP phase of AutoConfig with the new context file. This will create the environment files required for the AutoPatch session:
    $ cd [AD_TOP]/bin
    $ ./adconfig.sh run=INSTE8_SETUP contextfile=[Target System Context File]

    Note: This command does not require the environment to be sourced.

    Note: If you have chosen to create a new digital signature for the Target System, the above AutoConfig session may complete with errors: specifically, the adgenjky.sh script fails to generate the appltop.cer file. This can occur because the adjkey executable that this script calls is still specific to Source system. However, the adgenjky script will be executed correctly on the last step of the migration.
  6. Download and apply the customer-specific update with AutoPatch
    Within 30 minutes from the time you uploaded the manifest file at Step 1b you should receive a notification email stating that your customer-specific update patch is ready. Follow the instructions in the email to download it from My Oracle Support.
    The patch should be applied on all Target System Application Nodes. Source the APPL_TOP environment file before applying the patch. AutoPatch will automatically relink the executables. 

    Note: In order to execute AutoPatch successfully on the new platform, you must use the adpatch executable included in this patch instead of the one located in [AD_TOP]/bin.
    A compiled adpatch executable for all the supported platforms is included in the ZIP file Patch Directory/ad/patch/115/etc/adpatchR12_AD_A.zip for 12.0 andPatch Directory/ad/patch/115/etc/adpatchR12_AD_B.zip for 12.1. Refer to the README.txt file located in these ZIP files for details on the directory locations for the adpatch executable for your platform.

    This patch must be applied as follows:
    $ adpatch options=hotpatch,phtofile
    Note: Executables dependent on third party products (such as ilog, Roguewave, Quantum, SHT) may fail during relinking. This is expected and is addressed in "Section 3: Finishing Tasks". In such a case, answer "yes" when adpatch asks whether to "Continue as if it were successful".
  7. Apply IBM:Linux on System z compatibility patch (Conditional)
    If target platform is IBM:Linux on System z then download and apply the following Patch:

    • For Release 12.1.3 (or higher)
    Note: If you have languages other than American English already installed in your Release 12.1 system, apply the translated version(s) of Patch 10126780:12.1.0 for each active language.
  1. Review Component Versions and Technology Stack patch level
    In Section 1, Step 11 you identified updates applied to your Source System Technology Stack. If any, apply these patches to the Target System technology stack now. 
    Note: If you upgraded the Technology Stack components to higher versions than those included with the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0.4 or 12.1.1 install media, they should be upgraded on the Target System now. Examples could include Oracle Application Server or JDK 1.6. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 380482.1 for a list of relevant documents.

  1. Regenerate File System Objects
    Source the APPL_TOP environment file and perform the following tasks to regenerate the platform dependent files on the Target System:

    1. If migrating an application tier that starts Forms, run the following commands:
      $ cd [AD_TOP]/bin
      $ ./adgensgn.sh [Apps User]/[Apps Password]
    2. Run adadmin to generate messages, forms, reports and product jar files.
      Note: If you have languages other than American English already installed in your Release 12.1 system, you must generate messages, forms and reports for each active language.

  1. Clean Nodes 
    If you are migrating into a different machine name, you will need to recreate the Node configuration by completing the following two steps: 

    1. Run afcpclean.sh in the Target Application Tier.
      $ cd [INST_TOP]/admin/install
      $ ./afcpclean.sh [Apps User] [Apps Password]

      Warning: This step will remove the Nodes from the current system. It only applies if the source and target hostnames have changed. Before running this step, shut down all the application tier service processes.
    2. Log into the Source Database Tier and run Autoconfig 
      Follow Section 3.1 and 3.2 fully from doc Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 387859.1]. This step is very important one. You shouldn't skip this step.
  2. Run AutoConfig to complete the Target System configuration
    $ cd [AD_TOP]/bin
    $ ./adconfig.sh contextfile=[Target System Context File]

    Note: On this last step, the database will be updated to reflect the new Target System profile. Ensure any users log off the system, then shut down the Source System application tier service processes. After this, the Source System application tier will no longer be available.


This section lists tasks that may be necessary, depending on your implementation and the intended use of the migrated system. 
  1. Update Third Party Extensions
    If your Oracle E-Business Suite system is implementing any products which use ilog, RogueWave, Quantum or SHT, you will need to update the Target System with the objects for the third party extensions, then relink any dependent products.

  2. Review and update Target System Application Tier Settings and Customizations
    Recompile any custom code (forms, C) in the Target System APPL_TOP.

    If you were using Oracle Discoverer 10.1.2, OID, SSO or Portal 10g on the Source System, refer to the corresponding documentation to complete the migration: 

    Oracle Discoverer 10.1.2My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 373634.1.
    Oracle Internet Directory (OID) and Oracle Single Sign-On (SSO)My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 376811.1.
    Oracle Portal 10gMy Oracle Support Knowledge Document 380484.1.

    Note: Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 380482.1 for documents relating to other Technology Stack components.
  3. Update printer settings
    If the newly migrated system needs to utilize different printers, update the target system with the new printer settings now.

  4. Verify the APPLCSF variable setting
    Source the APPS environment and review that the variable APPLCSF (identifying the top-level directory for concurrent manager log and output files) points to a suitable directory. To modify it, change the value of the s_applcsf variable in the context file and then run AutoConfig.
    If the Target System is in a different domain name than the Source System and SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN was not null in the Source System, update that value to reflect the new domain name. 
  6. Start all services on the Target System
    Start all services by running the script:
    $ cd [INST_TOP]/admin/scripts
    $ ./adstrtal.sh [Apps User] / [Apps Password]

Issue Faced and Solution

Issue 1

After creating and configuring the new DB during startup operation I encountered following error.
SQL> startup nomount;
ORA-16032: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 destination string cannot be translated
ORA-07286: sksagdi: cannot obtain device information.
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory

Create the full directory file system mentioned in init file.
$ mkdir -p /d02/GLD/db/apps_st/data

Documents to follow
  1. Export/import process for R12 using 11gR1 or 11gR2 [ID 741818.1]
  2. Application Tier Platform Migration with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 438086.1]


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