Basic Commands for Kali Linux

Basic Commands for Kali Linux

File Operations
pwd                        Print Name Of Current/Working Directory
cd                         Changing The Working Directory
cp                         Copy Files Or Directory
rm                         Remove Files And Directory
ls                         List Of Directory Contents
mkdir                      Make Directory
cat                        Concatenate Files And Print On Standard Output
mv                         Move Files
chmod                      Change Files Permissions

Know Your System                                                 
uname                      Print System Information
who                        Show Who Is Logged On
cal                        Displays Calculator
date                       Print System Date And Time
df                         Report File System Disk Space Usage
du                         Estimate File Space Usage
ps                         Displays Information Of Current Active Processes
kill                       Allows To Kills Process
clear                      Clear The Terminal Screen
cat /proc/cpuinfo          Cpuinfo Display CPU Information
cat /proc/meminfo          Display Memory Information

tar                        Store and Extract Files From An Archive File
gzip                       Compress Or Decompress Named Files

ifconfig                   To Config Network Interface
ping                       Check Other System are reachable from The Host System
wget                       Download Files From Network
ssh                        Remote Login Program
ftp                        Download/Upload Files From/To Remote System
last                       Displays List Of Last Logged In User
telnet                     Used To Communicate With Another Host Using THe Telnet Protocol

Searching Files
grep                       Search Files(s) For Specific Text
find                       Search For Files In A Directory Hierarchy
locate                     Find Files By Name

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